BARRY LYNDON directed by Stanley Kubrick


Genre : Drama

Stanley Kubrick’s “Barry Lyndon,” received indifferently in 1975, has grown in stature in the years since and is now widely regarded as one of the master’s best. It is certainly in every frame a Kubrick film: technically awesome, emotionally distant, remorseless in its doubt of human goodness. Based on a novel published in 1844, it takes a form common in the 19th century novel, following the life of the hero from birth to death. The novel by Thackeray, called the first novel without a hero, observes a man without moral, character or judgment, unrepentant, unredeemed. Born in Ireland in modest circumstances, he rises through two armies and the British aristocracy with cold calculation.

Rating : 8.75/10

The soundtrack is amazing, even better than the movie itself :

– Memorable song : « Sarabande » by Haendel

Please find the full Barry Lyndon’s soundtrack below :



There are many Horror movies and series today, it is quite unbelievable. Do not be naïve, Serial killers, Vampires and Zombies are definitely on the rise and will get the control of the earth in every seconde on TV. You know Dexter, True Blood, Vampire Diaries and Walking Dead, don’t you ?

The other night, after having posted the TOP 20 Best Horror movies, I realized it was longer than expected to choose between all of them. Indeed, even separation between thriller and horror was hard sometimes.


On one hand, the unique undeniable selection criteria was « torture » added to a real volume of « blood ». These are pure basic horror elements, as soon as murder and mental torture are not enough anymore. But, I could not resign myself to be so objective.

I understood that I was more likely to select the movies I had discovered when I was a young teenager. It creates more emotions and forges stronger souvenirs. It certainly explains why the Stanley Kubrick’s movies A Clockwork Orange (1971) and The Shining (1980), as well as Misery (1990) directed by Rob Reiner have particularly marked my memory.

Consequently, protecting children is crucial, (do not forget to parameter your parental control), it could save you some issue and many psychiatrist’s’  invoices in the future. 


On the other hand, schizophrenia appears to be my favorite mean in a movie. Schizophrenia is defined as a serious mental illness in which someone’s thoughts and feelings are not based on what is really happening around them. Most of the time, the sick person presents some dissociative disorders including several personalities, allowing directors to use a lots of illusions. I like schizophrenia in movies because the spectator can be respected and dramatically misled at the same time, with no poor trick at the end explaining why you have not seen it coming this way. I would like to elaborate and recommend a few movies here, but I would ruin you the thrill which I cannot accept.

In addition, I realized schizophrenia was not so original, as Vampires and Zombies are also some kinds of schizophrenic beings, just a bit more obvious in their wishes.

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Paranoïa is also a very interesting tool, and some movies have made a great deal of it, such like Three Days of the Condor (1975) starring Robert Redford and directed by Sydney Pollack, Blade Runner (1982) starring Harrison Ford and directed by Ridley Scott, The Game (1997) starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn directed by David Fincher, Pi (1998) directed by Darren Aronofsky or more recently BUG (2006) starring Ashely Judd and Michael Shannon directed by William Friedkin for example which are very stressful and quite terrifying for some of them.

Why we love been scared it is because we need to feel real, that means to have a lots of emotions and feelings so we get that life is true.

Finally, I realize that what we love the most in Horror Movies is to study the worst in human nature. That is probably why cannibalism is so fascinating in some ways !

Article by TOP BEST Cinema


In addition, another thriller movie named « Paranoia » directed by Robert Luketic starring Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford has been released, but do not waste your time, it is a very bad movie.


– Full Metal Jacket directed by Stanley Kubrick


– Misery by Rob Reiner