THE WOLF OF WALL STREET directed by Martin Scorsese starring Leonardo Di Caprio

Genre: Thriller

Martin Scorsese directs the story of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort. From the American dream to corporate greed, Belfort goes from penny stocks and righteousness to IPOs and a life of corruption in the late 80s. Excess success and affluence in his early twenties as founder of the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont warranted Belfort the title “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, from his rise to a wealthy stockbroker living the high life to his fall involving crime, corruption and the federal government.


A pure Scorsese movie style served by an amazing Leonardo Di Caprio, excellent dialogues, perfect direction, and a funny but thrilling story. One of his best movies, which is reminiscent and takes the best from The Bonfire of the Vanities, Wall Street, Catch me if you can, as well as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

As always, the soundtrack is terrific. I must admit I had a blast watching it and I laughed about 40 times which is unusual to me. Force is to strongly recommend this movie.

Rating: 8.5/10

2 comments on “BEST SCENE EVER # 55

  1. thomasjford says:

    It certainly was another Scorsese classic. Not up there with Goodfellas or Casino for me, but certainly great!

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